Dear Radio New Zealand
As of the beginning of March I stopped working in Real Estate, a decision not taken lightly but due mainly to my not wanting to waste any more time and energy in the present market that was mainly created by you lot.
You may or may not also be interested to know that I no longer listen to morning report, of which I used to be an avid listener, nor do I watch TV News either, as I can no longer be bothered listening to the constant negativity.
The final straw came one February morning when I heard a woman reporter on morning report saying something like "Real Estate prices plunged a further point one percent last week" or words to that effect. Surely something less emotive like "Real Estate prices declined a further point one percent" would have been more suitable for an objective(?) government radio station
Even if they had fallen one percent%, it's not really that big of a deal! Real estate prices fluctuate from month to month anyway.
The interesting irony of all this is that the media seem to forget who's funding them - their constant talking down of the economy will eventually backfire on them as the struggling retailers and other business people who had in the past used their advertising services, will no longer be able to afford to do so...Not only that, surely some of you lot own real estate yourselves - simply shooting yourselves in the foot by talking down the value of your own assets - such is your need for ratings over anything else.
It did come up at our weekly meetings that we should be telling one of our major advertising vehicles to pull their heads in, if they wanted our continued support.
Last night I was celebrating a friend's 60th, at the dinner table I met several strangers, 3 of which had stopped listeningto/watching the news as they were sick of all the negativity. Another mentioned that in Europe every effort is made to present news in a positive light. A novel idea that you might like to try.
Being Iranian he was sensitive to the connotations there-in so preferred to say he was from Persia, I asked him what of the American threat and he rubbished that also as a "media beat up" Iran is fine he said, "Its a great place, and I could do well there too, but I love it here as well, so I am here for now".
Anyway, you can do what you like with your radio station, I'm not listening to it any more.... a pity I can't request my tax dollars be diverted away from you though... or can I?.....
You can do what you like with this email too, for that matter - why not print it out and burn it? Since negativity and destruction seems to be your thing.
Thought you could do with the feedback
Try and have a nice life
Andrew Boyd
11 Selwyn Lake Road
RD 3 Leeston
Canterbury 7683
www.andrewboyd.co.nzTheir reply:
Feedback Feedback <Feedback@radionz.co.nz> to AndrewBoydNZ@gmail.com
date 10 June 2009 17:57
subject Re: Fwd: your recession
Dear Andrew,
Thank you for taking the time to contact Radio New Zealand. As a public service broadcaster we are always interested in receiving feedback from our regular listeners.
I can assure you that your comments have been noted and passed on to relevant people at Radio New Zealand National. Your email seems to be aimed at all New Zealand media and there are several points which need to be made in response to your comments.
1. The Real Estate Institute and real estate commentators are provided with regular opportunities on Radio New Zealand programmes to respond to stories about the state of the real estate market in New Zealand. To suggest that media reports have created the present national ( and presumably international ) housing market conditions is clearly wrong.
2. "The interesting irony of all this is that the media seem to forget who's funding them - their constant talking down of the economy will eventually backfire on them as the struggling retailers and other business people who had in the past used their advertising services, "
Radio New Zealand is a completely independent and commercial free public service broadcaster, it has no advertising interests nor can it be influenced by commercial considerations. While we are aware that listeners may not always like or agree with commentators and the views that are broadcast, Radio New Zealand will continue to provide independent and in depth news and current affairs reflecting opinions on issues of interest to the New Zealand public.
3. "You can do what you like with this email too, for that matter - why not print it out and burn it? Since negativity and destruction seems to be your thing."
Far from burning your email Andrew, I have passed your comments on to appropriate people at Radio New Zealand.
I am sorry that you no longer listen to Morning Report as the programme recently won the award for best daily programme at the prestigious New Zealand Radio Awards.
Thanks again for taking the time to contact us.
John Barr
Communications Manager
To view the latest Audience Research data available for Radio New Zealand networks visit: http://www.radionz.co.nz/about/audience_research
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Tel: +64 3 928 2928 Mobile: +64 21 99 7798 Email: AndrewBoydNZXgmail.com