Fast Speech

Have you ever wondered how it is that people outside the English classroom, speak so quickly? Well, from this page, you can find out all you need to know, to finally be able to understand them!

你有沒有想過﹕ 老外怎麼講得那麼快﹖英文教室外的英文根教室內就差太多

從這一網頁上你就可以了解 - 終于可以聽得懂

One thing to remember: even though we have all these pronunciation changes, they are still very consistent, so usually the fast way to say something is just a change in pronunciation to one other form - that native speakers can understand - and use themselves, everyday!

執意﹕雖然有那麼多這些發音變化﹐ 這些變化還算是非常一致得。。。所以通常來講﹕ 快速得說法就算是一個變化成為另外一個樣子本地人能聽得懂 - 而且自己天天用

There are 4 basic aspects to fast speech


1 Abbreviations 簡稱

2 changes in pronunciation 發音變化

3 weak forms 輕 (弱) 的說法

4 linkage 帘唸

1 Abbreviations 簡稱

You are probably already familiar with abbreviations (short forms) of spoken words, for example (e.g.)


I am = I'm, You are = you're will not = won't could not = couldn't

2 changes in pronunciation 發音變化

When we speak quickly, we sometimes change the pronunciation of some letters or even leave them out entirely!

當我們講得很快得時候﹐ 我們有得時候會改變一些字體的發音甚至于根本都不講出來

"want to" = "wanna".

"bottle", people often change to "boddle" 人常吧他改成 "boddle"

or even more extreme: "bo'l" 或更過分 "bo'l"

(some English, English accents are like this)


"butter" becomes "budder" or even more extreme: "bu'er"

"what are you doing?" can change to

"whad are you doing?" or even

"Wha are you doing?"

We can also add sounds 我們也可以吧聲音加進去

for example if the last sound of the first word is a "T", and the first sound of the second word is a "Y", then in between them we can add a "ch" so, "but you" would become "butchyou"

eg: 要是第一個字的最後的音是個 "T" 然後下個字的前面的音是個 "Y" 那﹐我們就可以吧一個 "ch" 的音塞進去。。。 所以 "but you" 會變成 "butchyou"

If the last sound of the first word is a "D", and the first sound of the second word is a "Y", then in

between them we can add a "j" so, "told you" would become "toldjyou"
